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Frequently Asked Questions

What does “98% safe” on a contraceptive really mean?

If a method is "98% effective" it means that for every 100 women who use it correctly for one year, only two would be expected to become pregnant.

   Is a hysterectomy my only option to stop heavy menstrual bleeding?

There are many options available to treat heavy vaginal bleeding. These may include medical options which traditionally involve taking hormonal medications. There are also minimally invasive options which typically do not involve large incisions, if any, and do not require a hospital stay. The most appropriate option should become clear after talking with your doctor. For more information visit

Can I exercise when I’m pregnant?

Exercise during pregancy is not only safe, but recommended as long as there are no risk factors in your pregancy which your doctor can tell you about. Thirty to 45 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise three to four times per week is recommended. One way that you will know that you are not overdoing it:  being able to talk while you exercise.

Is hormonal replacement therapy really as safe as they say?

We have found out a lot more about hormonal replacement therapy since the big scare a few years ago. Now, we know the therapy is a lot safer than previously believed for a certain group of women. You should talk to your doctor to see if HRT is appropriate for you.

What is the proper way to perform a monthly breast exam?

Please read an article featuring Dr. Eden Takhsh for the Top 5 Tips for Monthly Breast Exams

What if I am done having children?

There are a few ways to attempt permanent birth control. For men, it has traditionally been a vasectomy which has recently become minimally invasive. For women, there are traditional tubal ligation methods or a new method called Essure that we perform in the office and does not involve any incisions. For more information, visit

What is vulvodynia?

Click here for a full description.

Do you have another question that is not addressed in this section or elsewhere on the website?
Contact us at 312-726-7272 and we'll gladly field your inquiry.

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